Who We Are

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ.  Our church community is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom.

Where We Came From & Where We’re Headed

The United Methodist Church, in Stevens Point and Plover, has been growing disciples for Christ since 1856.  Christ is the center of our congregational life. The church, its members and friends, have been and are now vital contributors to the fabric of our community where they work, play, go to school, volunteer.  

In all things, we seek to have Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. We believe that we have inherited a great faith legacy from Christian brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, neighbors, friends and faithful strangers that have gone before us. That faith legacy calls us to mature in our faith, to find ways to act justly and to serve those in need.

More than ever, we are are committed to fostering a family built around hope. Hope for the future. Hope for better. Hope for progress.  Hope in Jesus. And as we move forward as a church family, inclusion and belonging remain at the center of who we are as followers of Christ.

Our Mission

To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision

We are empowered by the Holy Spirit and enriched by our traditions to move boldly into a shared future where all people are invited to connect to Christ, cultivate faith together, and commit to serve as life-long followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values

The people of the United Methodist Church create a legacy by living these core values:

Maturing Faith: Our spiritual journey together transforms us into faithful followers of Christ.

Acceptance: We welcome all persons into our Christian community.

Passion: God’s love inspires us to an adventurous life of commitment to ministry.

Social Justice: Through God’s love we are a people of compassion reaching out to the world.

Find out more about the United Methodist Church:  Beliefs, in Wisconsin, and the World.

Visit us!

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm

Fri – Sun: Closed

Sunday service: 8:30am & 10:30am

St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church

Contact Info

600 Wilshire Blvd

Stevens Point, WI 54481

(715) 344-3557
