Outreach Ministry




Everything we do is an opportunity

to be welcoming and inviting

The Outreach Ministry of The United Methodist Church is responsible for numerous activities for the church. Our primary function is to create an atmosphere that is welcoming and inviting for all people in our community. Outreach Ministry helps all church groups understand that everything we do is an opportunity to be welcoming and inviting.

To accomplish this we:

  • Maintain the Welcome Center
  • Educate the congregation on how to be welcoming to guests
  • Maintain congregational name tags
  • Greet visitors and help them learn of ongoing activities
  • Host events to invite the community to our church
  • Encourage United Methodists involvement in community events

If you’d like more information or want to volunteer your time to this important ministry, please contact the church office using the contact information below.

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm

Fri – Sun: Closed

Sunday service: 8:30am & 10:30am

St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church

Contact Info

600 Wilshire Blvd

Stevens Point, WI 54481

(715) 344-3557
