Stephen Ministers




Chancel Choir

Bringing Christ’s Care To Hurting People



Would you like to be a part of a ministry that makes a real difference in others’ lives when they need it most—and in your own? Consider becoming a Stephen Minister!

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who provide one-to-one caring ministry to people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, job loss, hospitalization, and many other life difficulties.

Stephen Minister training equips you to do an excellent job as a Stephen Minister, as well as to improve the quality of all your relationships. Topics include:

  • listening
  • feelings
  • confidentiality
  • providing Christian care
  • maintaining boundaries
  • crisis theory and practice
  • ministering to people experiencing grief, divorce, hospitalization, illness, and more

Once equipped, Stephen Ministers are prayerfully matched with people who are going through a stressful time or life difficulty. A Stephen Minister meets with this person once a week, for about an hour to listen, care, encourage, and pray. The Stephen Minister brings Christ’s presence into the person’s life and also experiences Christ in the other person. It’s really a life-changing ministry for both the care receiver and the Stephen Minister.

If you would like to learn about how to become a Stephen Minister, visit our church office and request to talk with one of our pastors or Stephen Leaders. We’re recruiting our next class soon!

Office Hours

Mon – Thur: 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm

Fri – Sun: Closed

Sunday service: 8:30am & 10:30am

St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church

Contact Info

600 Wilshire Blvd

Stevens Point, WI 54481

(715) 344-3557